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Evolve Your Brand with Icon Industries’

Done-for-You Podcast Services

Unlock the Power of Your Brand to Captivate Audiences and Propel Your Business Forward

Empower your Brand with storytelling.
We handle everything, so you can focus on delivering impactful content.

In today’s digital world, your voice is your most powerful asset. Our tailored podcasting services are designed to amplify your brand’s presence, engaging your audience with compelling content that resonates. Whether you’re just starting out or ready to dominate your industry, we have a package that fits your needs.

Our Services Include:

  • Pre-production planning and scripting
  • High-quality video and audio recording
  • Professional editing for a polished final product
  • Marketing and promotion to maximize your reach

Podcast Done for you

Studio Access Package

Begin Your Podcasting Journey with Confidence”

Launch Your Podcast with Professional Quality and Ease. Our Studio Access Package offers everything you need to start your podcasting journey—high-quality production, expert guidance, and seamless execution. Perfect for entrepreneurs and small business owners ready to amplify their voice and share their story. Join now and make an impact with every episode.

Gain exclusive access to our state-of-the-art studios, complete with professional equipment and supportive staff to guide you every step of the way. From setup to recording, we ensure a seamless experience, allowing you to focus on what you do best: sharing your story. Perfect for newcomers eager to enter the podcasting world with a splash, the Studio Access Package is your first step towards becoming a recognized Brand in your industry.

Offer Components

  • Studio Access: Clients receive dedicated studio time each month, scheduled in advance to ensure availability. This includes access to state-of-the-art recording equipment and a comfortable, professional environment suitable for hosting guests.

  • Staff Assistance: Upon arrival, clients and their guests will be greeted by our staff who will assist with check-in and direct them to the correct studio. This ensures a seamless and professional experience for both the host and their guests.

  • Editing and Production: Each episode produced during the studio session will undergo professional editing, including sound leveling, noise reduction, and the addition of intro/outro music. Clients are entitled to one round of revisions per episode to guarantee their final product matches their vision.

  • Deliverables: Clients will receive 4 professionally edited podcast episodes per month, delivered in both MP4 (video) and MP3 (audio) formats, enabling distribution across various platforms.

  • Consultation: To kickstart their podcasting journey, clients will have access to a one-time strategic consultation session. This session will cover topics such as content strategy, audience engagement, and best practices for podcast growth.

  • Distribution Support: Digital delivery of the final podcast episodes will be provided, along with basic guidance on how to distribute and promote their content across popular podcasting platforms and social media.

  • Contract Term: This offer is based on a 12-month agreement, ensuring clients have consistent access to studio resources and support as they build their podcasting presence.

Value Proposition

  • High-Quality Production: Even at the entry-level, clients receive professional-grade production quality, making their podcast stand out in a crowded market.

  • Ease of Use: With staff assistance and scheduled studio time, we remove the technical and logistical barriers to podcasting, making it accessible to everyone.

  • Strategic Advantage: The initial consultation provides clients with a roadmap to success, equipping them with the knowledge to grow their audience and influence.


  • Satisfaction Guarantee: We are committed to ensuring our clients’ satisfaction with their podcast’s production quality. If a client is not satisfied with their first episode, we offer an additional round of revisions at no extra cost.

Podcast Done for you

Elevate Your Podcast, Engage Your Audience

Amplify Your Brand with Our Enhanced Engagement Package. Elevate your podcasting game with flexible studio access, expert guest management, and strategic growth consulting. Designed for businesses ready to engage their audience on a deeper level and expand their reach. Let us handle the details, so you can focus on delivering impactful content.

This package offers not only advanced studio access and production support but also includes strategic guest outreach and comprehensive editing services to polish your content to perfection. With quarterly consulting sessions, we help you analyze your performance and refine your strategy, ensuring your podcast not only reaches but resonates with your audience. Ideal for established podcasters looking to enhance their impact and grow their listener base.

Offer Components

  • Enhanced Studio Access: Clients receive more flexible scheduling options for studio time, accommodating more dynamic recording needs. This tier allows for advanced booking privileges to ensure availability aligns with the client’s content calendar.

  • Guest Outreach and Scheduling Support: Our team will assist in guest outreach, managing invitations and scheduling to streamline the process of featuring interviews or co-hosts on the podcast. This support extends to confirming guest bookings and ensuring smooth coordination.

  • Advanced Editing and Production: Episodes produced will benefit from advanced editing techniques, including multi-track editing, sound enhancements, and custom intro/outro music tailored to the podcast’s branding. Clients can provide input and suggestions, with up to two rounds of revisions for each episode.

  • Deliverables: Clients will receive 4 episodes per month, each with a higher production value. Additionally, they will get 5 short-form content pieces derived from the main episodes, suitable for social media promotion and audience engagement.

  • Quarterly Consulting: Every quarter, clients can schedule a consulting session with our podcasting experts. These sessions are designed to review performance metrics, refine content strategy, and explore new opportunities for growth.

  • Distribution and Hosting Assistance: Beyond basic digital delivery, this package includes assistance with posting the podcast on major platforms, SEO optimization for episodes, and basic analytics tracking. Hosting advice will also be provided to ensure optimal platform selection for visibility and engagement.

  • Contract Term: A 12-month agreement secures ongoing support and resources, ensuring consistent quality and service throughout the year.

Value Proposition

  • Engagement and Reach: With guest management and advanced production, podcasts will stand out, attracting more listeners and engaging audiences at a deeper level.

  • Strategic Growth: Quarterly consulting provides a strategic advantage, allowing clients to adapt and evolve their podcasting efforts based on performance insights and expert advice.

  • Enhanced Visibility: Assistance with distribution, SEO, and hosting maximizes the podcast’s reach, ensuring episodes are easily discoverable and accessible to a wider audience.


  • Performance Guarantee: If key performance indicators (KPIs) do not show improvement within the first 6 months, we will offer an additional month of consulting and production support at no extra cost to help achieve the desired metrics.

Podcast Done for you

Premium Production & Distribution Package

Transform Your Brand with Iconic Podcasting

Dominate Your Industry with Our Premium Podcasting Solution. The ultimate package for enterprises seeking to assert their authority and expand their influence through podcasting. Enjoy unmatched production quality, strategic growth planning, and comprehensive distribution. Partner with us to transform your brand’s voice into a powerful asset.

The Premium Production & Distribution Package is the ultimate choice for industry leaders and enterprises aiming to leverage podcasting as a key pillar of their brand strategy. Offering unrivaled access to our premium studio facilities, full-service guest management, and bespoke editing services, this package guarantees a podcast experience of the highest quality. Monthly strategic coaching and comprehensive distribution support ensure your podcast achieves global reach and engagement, establishing your brand as a dominant force in your sector. For those who accept no compromises and strive for excellence in every broadcast, the Premium Package delivers on every front.

Offer Components

  • Priority Studio Access: Clients enjoy the highest level of flexibility and priority scheduling, ensuring studio availability matches even the most demanding content calendars. This includes after-hours and weekend access if needed.

  • Full-Service Guest Management: Comprehensive support from confirming guest bookings to post-interview follow-ups. Our team will handle all aspects of guest management, including logistics, technical setup, and thank you messages, ensuring a seamless experience for both the host and their guests.

  • Enhanced Editing and Production: Premium editing services with unlimited revisions until client satisfaction. This includes advanced sound engineering, custom music composition, and the integration of multimedia elements (e.g., video clips, animations) for video podcasts.

  • Deliverables: Each month, clients receive 4 episodes of unparalleled quality, plus 10 short-form content pieces optimized for engagement across digital platforms. The package also includes the creation of promotional materials such as episode teasers, quote graphics, and audiograms.

  • Monthly Coaching and Strategic Planning: Direct access to a dedicated podcast strategist for monthly coaching sessions. These sessions focus on long-term growth, audience development, and leveraging podcasting as a key component of the client’s overall marketing strategy.

  • Comprehensive Distribution and Promotion: Full-service distribution, including strategic posting schedules, platform optimization, and active promotion through paid advertising channels and social media. Additionally, we offer podcast SEO and analytics services to track performance and adjust strategies for maximum impact.

  • Contract Term: A commitment to a 12-month agreement ensures that clients receive consistent, high-quality service and support throughout the year.

Value Proposition

  • Unmatched Quality and Influence: With the highest level of production quality and strategic support, this package is designed to position clients as industry thought leaders, enhancing their brand’s influence and authority.

  • Strategic Market Positioning: Through personalized coaching and strategic planning, clients can effectively use their podcast to achieve specific business objectives, including lead generation, customer engagement, and thought leadership.

  • Maximum Visibility and Reach: With our comprehensive distribution and promotion strategies, clients’ podcasts will achieve maximum visibility and engagement, translating to higher brand awareness and business growth.


  • Impact Guarantee: We guarantee significant improvement in key brand awareness metrics within the first year. If our agreed-upon KPIs are not met, we will extend our premium services for an additional 3 months at no extra cost.
Studio Access

Studio Access

Get started with professional podcasting essentials—perfect for newcomers.

High Quality Production

Ease of Use

Strategic Advantage



Enhanced Engagement

Enhanced Engagement

Elevate your podcast with advanced production and strategic insights.

Engagement and Reach

Strategic Growth

Enhanced Visibility



Premium Production & Distribution

Premium Production & Distribution

Dominate your field with our comprehensive podcasting solution.

Unmatched Quality and Influence

Strategic Market Positioning

Maximum Visibility and Reach




Done-for-You Podcast Services

Discover the power of podcasting, a rapidly growing medium that allows businesses like yours to reach and engage with their target audience in a unique, personal way. At Icon Industries, we specialize in providing complete, done-for-you podcast services that streamline the process of launching and managing a successful podcast.

Tailored Podcast Strategy

Our experienced team starts by understanding your brand, industry, and objectives. We design a custom podcast strategy that aligns with your brand’s voice and targets your desired audience effectively. Whether you’re looking to establish thought leadership, connect with a niche audience, or expand your digital presence, we create a podcast strategy tailored to your goals.

Podcast Production and Editing

Leave the technical aspects to us. Our podcast production services include high-quality recording, professional editing, and sound engineering to ensure your podcast stands out in the crowded podcast marketplace. Our team uses the latest podcasting equipment and software to produce clear, captivating audio content that resonates with your listeners.

Podcast Distribution and Promotion

Launching your podcast is just the beginning. Our done-for-you podcast services also include comprehensive podcast distribution and promotion. We ensure your podcast is available on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Our marketing experts also develop a promotional strategy to increase your podcast’s visibility and attract a loyal listener base.

Podcast SEO

In the digital age, SEO is crucial for visibility. We optimize each podcast episode for search, utilizing SEO best practices and integrating relevant keywords to improve your podcast’s visibility in search results and on podcast platforms.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

We believe in the power of data. Our team continuously monitors your podcast’s performance, providing you with detailed analytics and insights. We use these insights to optimize future episodes, ensuring your podcast continues to grow and engage your audience effectively.

Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or a budding entrepreneur, Icon Industries’ done-for-you podcast services can help you tap into the power of podcasting. Let us help you transform your brand’s story into an engaging podcast that captivates your audience and amplifies your digital presence. Get in touch with us today to start your podcasting journey.

Why should I start a Podcast?

  1. Reach a Wider Audience: A video podcast can help you reach a wider audience. As the consumption of video content is on the rise, with platforms like YouTube being the second largest search engine in the world, having a video podcast can help you tap into this massive viewer base.

  2. Build Trust and Connection: Seeing the person behind the voice can help build a stronger connection with your audience. It adds a layer of authenticity and credibility that can lead to a deeper level of trust.

A view of Icon Industries' Studio A Lounge set, stylishly designed and professionally equipped for high-quality video and podcast production, illustrating our commitment to providing top-tier environments for our clients' creative endeavors.
  1. The versatility of Content: Video podcasts allow for the creation of versatile content. They can be repurposed into a variety of formats such as short clips for social media, blog posts, quotes for Instagram, and more. This makes your content strategy more efficient and cost-effective.

  2. Improve SEO: Search engines love video content. By transcribing your video podcasts, you can improve your website’s SEO and increase your online visibility.

  3. Monetization Opportunities: Video podcasts offer more opportunities for monetization. In addition to sponsorships and ads, you can leverage platforms like YouTube that have built-in monetization features.

  4. Personal Branding and Authority: Hosting a video podcast can position you as an authority in your field. It can be a great way to build your personal brand and showcase your expertise and knowledge.

  5. Engagement: Video content is more engaging than other forms of content. It’s easier to convey emotion, explain complex topics, and keep the audience’s attention.

There are numerous benefits to creating a video podcast, and now is an ideal time to start.

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